Archive: Jul 2023

July 15, 2023 | Clinical Resources Extra
Nursing and Residential Care Facilities - Why Are They Important?

As the population ages, nursing and residential care facilities have become important. By 2050, the number of individuals over 65 will likely increase significantly. The statistics highlight the rising need for nursing homes and other residential care facilities in the US. These facilities offer crucial services that support elders in maintaining their health and well-being. There are plenty of reasons…

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Nursing and Residential Care Facilities – Why Are They Important?
July 15, 2023 | Clinical Resources
Navigating Nurse Burnout - What to Do

Self-care and mindfulness are two of the most effective strategies for nurses to avoid burnout. This involves controlling one's shift schedule to the greatest extent possible and avoiding having too many obligations. Here, we'll go through the top nursing burnout prevention advice. Identify Stress's Source Try to identify the specific situations that make you feel overburdened. Monitoring your emotions will…

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Navigating Nurse Burnout – What to Do
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