Employers conduct employee evaluations for many purposes. The most common purpose is to review and assess the performance of individual employees. In many companies, employers evaluate their staff on a regular basis. The most common schedule is for companies to evaluate employee performance every year. This is part one of a two-part series to be continued in next month’s newsletter.

According to each employee’s date of employment, most companies perform these evaluations at the end of the year. For instance, if you join the organization in March the previous year, the employer might assess your performance in March this year. Companies also offer raises based on their performance after employee evaluations.

Why Companies Use Employee Evaluation

evaluation crucial purpose of evaluations is to identify employee weaknesses and strengths. This helps them increase productivity and growth. When working as a team in an organization, your efforts mean a lot for the team’s progress. However, if you fail to perform, the team will suffer. That is why employers conduct evaluations, so teams perform better as a whole. On the other hand, if your performance has improved, you might get additional benefits and a raise.

Furthermore, many organizations use this technique to train and develop teams. Employers also define their standards and goals to measure the evaluation process. This identifies how well the organization is performing or if the employees cope with the business’s growth.

Process of Employee Evaluation

Different organizations follow a different method to evaluate their employees. Below you will find the standard or basic method of evaluation:

Performance Standards

The human resources department or the authority responsible for the employee evaluation will set the performance standards. These standards will help employers measure employee performance. By deciding performance standards, they reduce guesswork in gauging each individual’s efficacy and efficiency.

Read part two of Purpose and Process