Burnout in nurses has increased dramatically over the years. In a recent survey, the American Nurses Association found that more than 84% of nurses suffer from work stress and plan to leave the healthcare system. This toll is overwhelming on several levels.

High level of anxiety, poor physical health, and depression correlates with a significant rise in medical errors. Also, it can affect the performance and productivity of nursing staff and impact patients. Thus, more healthcare institutions are improving the well-being of their nursing staff.

Here is how healthcare institutions try to upgrade the well-being of nurses.

Encourage Exercise Regularly

Numerous studies have found a link between stress and exercise, so encouraging nursing staff to exercise more frequently helps to lessen burnout, stress, and fatigue.

Foster Effective Communication

Nurse Managers have a crucial role in preventing burnout. Nurses should periodically meet with their managers to go over the challenges of the job and different strategies to promote well-being. Regular surveys (either online or on paper), group meetings, and performance reviews enhance communication.

Promote Emotional Intelligence and Self Awareness

Nurses use emotional intelligence and self-awareness as coping mechanisms in demanding work environments. According to research, nurses employ a “positive emotion-focused” strategy to deal with problems and work-related issues. They are better able to manage burnout.

Provide Resilience Training

Resilience training enables nurses and healthcare professionals to deal better with pressures and stressors. It lowers fatigue in nurses and promotes well-being by teaching them psychological resilience techniques.