Have you been unsuccessfully trying to land a mere interview call? Ever wondered there could be something faulty with your resume that is just not making the right impression?

Here is a list of what you must absolutely not include in your resume.

  • Refrain from adding the words resume. It is already evident what the document in question is.
  • Keep fibs, exaggerations, lies and false degrees totally out of your resume.
  • Let the facts speak more of your capabilities and potentials.
  • Proofread for grammatical errors and misspellings.
  • Refrain from unnecessary use of adjectives. Use those that are factual and not opinionated.
  • Do not include your height, weight, driver’s license number, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race etc. Your city, state and home address will suffice.
  • Avoid adding verbiage and details that would make it easy for the world to guess your age. For example, “Graduated from Oxford University in 1959”, tells clearly that you are sixty years old. This is just the thing to invite age biasness.
  • You may mention where you volunteer but you do not need to express your political affiliation and views unless you really are trying to secure a job in politics.
  • Do not state your compensation or salary goals. These tend to foreclose your negotiating abilities and might altogether exclude you from the interviewing process.
  • Do not mention the date you created the resume.
  • Refrain from stating personal opinions.
  • Do not include any negative statements or comments about past employers. Widely known facts are acceptable by public but personal critical opinions are certainly not.
  • Do not include statements about your physical or mental health. For example, ‘I am currently undergoing a mental treatment.”
  • You may briefly include hobbies such as charitable work, social service etc. enlist hobbies that may further your candidacy but not those that offset your potentials such as running marathons etc.
  • Mention only those awards, which are recent and significant. Adding minor and irrelevant awards from years ago will cause people to wonder why you haven’t made further achievements since then.