Healthcare Workers Edition

Having a healthy work-life balance as a member of the healthcare field can be challenging. Work demands all your time, energy, and effort. It requires no hesitation, especially when you’re on-call, to commitment.

However, just because you’re a member of the healthcare profession, doesn’t mean you can’t have your own life outside of work. There are a few things you can do to improve the balance of your work and your life in simple, everyday steps.

First, begin with a home calendar. Keeping track of appointments, what shifts you work, when you work, and other dedicated days can help you keep track of what’s going on. This calendar can be updated monthly or weekly, depending on your days off, and allows you a chance to catch your breath and go over what’s coming up.

Keeping track of appointments, what shifts you work, when you work, and other dedicated days can help you keep track of what’s going on.

Second, work on building up a meal plan. Even if it’s something simple, like putting meat and vegetables in the Crock-Pot for yourself for dinner, or spending your weekends off managing a full weekly meal prep, meal planning eases the mess of figuring out what you’re going to eat, and when. Additionally, pack your lunches the night before your next day of work; this eases morning interaction and allows you some spare time to drink coffee, read an article, or catch up on your favorite book.

Dedicate one day a month to something selfish and silly. Whether it’s spending the whole day in bed reading, or binge-watching your favorite Netflix shows, or even something simple like ordering in a meal, giving yourself one “free” day a month can ease the stress of constant self-care.

Plan when you’re going to spend time with your family and friends. Isolation is dangerous; even though you interact sometimes daily with those in your work, it can be extremely isolating to be friends only with your coworkers.

Managing a work-life balance can be tricky; start with planning, then move onto actual preparation. Allowing yourself small breaks during the week to do simple self-care tasks like writing in a journal, eating a dessert, or indulging in another guilty pleasure can easily help you feel more balanced.