Data gathered from the American Nurses Association’s Healthy Nurse survey indicates that there is “an urgent need to promote [nurses’] health, particularly in physical activity, rest, safety, nutrition, and life quality.

It may be no surprise that 70% of the nurses indicated they prioritized their patients’ well-being, safety, and health over their own.

What is Self Care?

Self-care is a term used by the World Health Organization to describe what individuals do for themselves to build and preserve health and avoid and manage sickness. It is a collection of routines and exercises that nurses should carry out to assist lower stress levels and support nurses in living healthier lives.

How Can Nurses Practice Self-Care?

Nurses can reduce burnout by engaging in a variety of self-care techniques.

Proper Sleep

Serious health issues, such as heart attack and stroke, can result from sleep deprivation. Low-quality or inadequate sleep boosts cortisol production, raising stress levels. Avoid drinking alcohol just before night and choose reading over electronic devices in the evening.

Mindful Meditation

You can reduce stress by just 10 to 20 minutes a day. Sit quietly and concentrate your breathing as you practice mindfulness meditation.

Meditation has numerous benefits, including improved self-awareness, increased focus, reduced anxiety, and reduced negative emotions.

Eating Well

Antioxidants are an excellent strategy to defend yourself from disease. Including salads and other veggies in your meals is crucial, but you may add extra nutrients by choosing fruits, nuts, and whole grains as snacks rather than chips and candy.